Holy crap. This is DEFINITELY Tricky...
Holy crap. This is DEFINITELY Tricky...
Love the details, especially the shading! The new version really pops compared to the original.
Love this, super pretty colors, plus that gaze...
funny lil mushroom fella...
Excellent execution and great colors. Also the composition overall is sweet.
More knight princesses when?
Extraordinarily funny. He can barely see over the wheel the poor kid.
He is doing his best. And its killing it (The monsters)
Apollyon is my favorite character design, too bad he's pretty mid to play as.
Also, really like the colors here. Not sure which version I like better, they're both cool!
Second cliff face is my favorite, erry noice.
Thanks man, I appreciate it!
Moving forward is progress, just keep at it.
I'm involved in a lot of things:
Voice Acting
Whatever I'm interested in at the moment
Also, play Touch Detective
Nff nff~
Joined on 3/31/22